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PI and grad students, undergrads*
Conner, J. K., O. Issaka Salia, Z. G. Zhao, F. Knapczyk, H. Sahli, V. A. Koelling, and K. Karoly. 2023. Rapid evolution of a family‐diagnostic trait: artificial selection and correlated responses in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum. New Phytologist.
Waterman, R., H. Sahli, V. A. Koelling, K. Karoly, and J. K. Conner. 2023. Strong evidence for positive and negative correlational selection revealed by recreating ancestral variation. Evolution 77:264-275. PDF
Wang, P., F. Meng, P. Donaldson, S. Horan, N. L. Panchy, E. Vischulis, E. Winship, J. K. Conner, P. J. Krysan, and S. H. Shiu. 2022. High‐throughput measurement of plant fitness traits with an object detection method using Faster R‐CNN. New Phytologist 234:1521-1533.
Cusack, S. A., P. Wang, S. G. Lotreck, B. M. Moore, F. Meng, J. K. Conner, P. J. Krysan, M. D. Lehti-Shiu, and S.-H. Shiu. 2021. Predictive models of genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38:3397-3414.
Gutierrez-Moreno, R., D. Mota-Sanchez, C. A. Blanco, D. Chandrasena, C. Difonzo, J.K. Conner, G. Head, K. Berman, and J. Wise. 2020. Susceptibility of fall armyworms (spodoptera frugiperda je) from Mexico and Puerto Rico to bt proteins. Insects 11:831. PDF
Evolution of phenotypic plasticity: Genetic differentiation and additive genetic variation for induced plant defence in wild arugula Eruca sativa. J Evol Biol 33: 237– 246. PDF
, 2020.Cusack, S. A., P. Wang, B. M. Moore, F. Meng, J. K. Conner, P. J. Krysan, M. D. Lehti-Shiu, and S.-H. Shiu. 2020. Genome-wide predictions of genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana. bioRxiv. PDF
Gering, E., D. Incorvaia, R. Henriksen, J.K. Conner, T. Getty, and D. Wright. 2019. Getting back to nature: Feralization in animals and plants. Trends in ecology & evolution 34:1137-1151. PDF
Charbonneau, A., D. Tack, A. Lale*, J. Goldston, M. Caple*, E. Conner*, O. Barazani, J. Ziffer‐Berger, I. Dworkin, and J. K. Conner. 2018. Weed evolution: Genetic differentiation among wild, weedy, and crop radish. Evolutionary applications 11:1964-1974. PDF
Conner, J. K. 2018. Field Studies of Natural Selection. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology. Ed. Karin Pfennig. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199941728-0097 link
Sapir, Y, K. Karoly, V. Koelling, H.F. Sahli, F.N. Knapczyk, and J.K. Conner. 2017. Effect of expanded variation in anther position on pollinator visitation to wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum. Annals of Botany 120: 665-672. PDF
Grossenbacher, D., Y. Brandvain, J.R. Auld, M. Burd, P-O. Cheptou, J.K. Conner, A. Grant, S.M. Hovick, J.R. Pannell, A. Pauw, T. Petanidou, A. Randle, R. Rubio de Casas, J. Vamosi, A. Winn, B. Igic, J.W. Busch, S. Kalisz, E. Goldberg. 2017. Self-compatibility is overrepresented on islands. New Phytologist 215: 469-478. PDF
Van Etten, M.L, J.K. Conner, S-M Chang, and R.S. Baucom. 2017. Not all weeds are created equal: a database approach uncovers differences in the sexual system of native and introduced weeds. Ecology and Evolution 7: 2636-2642. PDF
terHorst, C.P., J.A.Lau, and J.K. Conner. 2017. Quantifying nonadditive selection caused by indirect ecological effects: Reply to Comment. Ecology 98: 1171-1175. PDF
La Rosa, R.J., and J.K. Conner. 2017. Floral function: effects of traits on pollinators, male and female pollination success, and female fitness across three species of milkweeds (Asclepias). American Journal of Botany 104: 150-160. PDF
Royer, A.M., C. Kremer, K. George*, S.G. Pérez, D.W. Schemske, and J.K. Conner. 2016.. Incomplete loss of a conserved trait: function, latitudinal cline, and genetic constraints. Evolution 70: 2853-2864. (DOI: 10.1111/evo.13121). PDF
Conner, J.K. 2016. Artificial Selection. In: Kliman, R.M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 1, pp. 107–113. Oxford: Academic Press. PDF
Zhao, Z., N. Lu, and J.K. Conner. 2016. Adaptive pattern of nectar volume within inflorescences: bumblebee foraging behavior and pollinator-mediated natural selection. Scientific Reports 6:34499 (DOI: 10.1038/srep34499). PDF
Roles, A.J., M.T. Rutter, I. Dworkin, C.B. Fenster, and J.K. Conner. 2016. Field measurements of genotype by environment interaction for fitness caused by spontaneous mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolution 70: 1039-1050. PDF
Dittmar, E.L., C.G. Oakley, J.K. Conner, B.A. Gould, and D.W. Schemske. 2016. Factors influencing the effect size distribution of adaptive substitutions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283:20153065. PDF
Pannell, J.R., J.R. Auld, Y. Brandvain, M. Burd, J.W. Busch, P-O. Cheptou, J.K. Conner, E. Goldberg, A. Grant, D. Grossenbacher, S.M. Hovick, S. Kalisz, T. Petanidou, A. Randle, R. Rubio de Casas, A. Pauw, J. Vamosi, A. Winn. 2015. The scope of Baker’s law (Tansley Review). New Phytologist 208:656-667. PDF
terHorst, C. P., J. A. Lau, I. A. Cooper, K. R. Keller, R. J. La Rosa, A. M. Royer, E. H. Schultheis, T. Suwa, and J. K. Conner. 2015. Quantifying Non-Additive Selection Caused by Indirect Ecological Effects. Ecology 96:2360–2369. PDF
Zhao, Z-G., Z-J Liu, and J.K. Conner. 2015. Plasticity of floral sex allocation within inflorescences of the hermaphrodite Aconitum gymnandrum. Journal of Plant Ecology 8:130-135. PDF
Conner, J.K., Mills, C.J., Koelling, V.A., and Karoly, K. 2014. Artificial selection on anther exsertion in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum. Scientific Data 1:140027 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2014.27. PDF
Conner, J.K., and R. Lande. 2014. Raissa L. Berg’s contributions to the study of phenotypic integration, with a professional biographical sketch. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369:20130250. PDF
Conner, J. K., I. A. Cooper, R. J. La Rosa, S. G. Pérez, and A. M. Royer.2014. Patterns of phenotypic correlations among morphological traits across plants and animals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369:20130246. PDF
Moghe, G. D., D. E. Hufnagel*, H. Tang, Y. Xiao, I. Dworkin, C. D. Town, J. K. Conner, and S.-H. Shiu. 2014. Consequences of whole-genome triplication as revealed by comparative genomic analyses of the wild radish Raphanus raphanistrum and three other Brassicaceae species. The Plant Cell 26:1925-1937. PDF
Kuester, A., J. K. Conner, T. Culley, and R. S. Baucom. 2014. How weeds emerge: a taxonomic and trait-based examination using United States data. New Phytologist 202:1055-1068 (doi: 10.1111/nph.12698). PDF
Conner, J. K. 2012. Quantitative genetic approaches to evolutionary constraint: how useful? Evolution 66:3313-3320. (invited Commentary; 18th most downloaded article in 2012 from the Evolution website, published Nov. 2012) PDF
Rutter, M. T., A. Roles, J. K. Conner, R. G. Shaw, F. H. Shaw, K. Schneeberger, S. Ossowski, D. Weigel, C. B. Fenster. 2012. Fitness of Arabidopsis thaliana mutation accumulation lines whose spontaneous mutations are known. Evolution 66:2335-2339. PDF
Conner, J. K., K. Karoly, C. Stewart, V. A. Koelling, H. F. Sahli, and F. H. Shaw. 2011. Rapid Independent Trait Evolution despite a Strong Pleiotropic Genetic Correlation. The American Naturalist 178(4):429–441. (Lead article) PDF
Sahli, H. F. and J. K. Conner. 2011. Testing for conflicting and nonadditive selection: floral adaptation to multiple pollinators through male and female fitness. Evolution 65:1457-1473. PDF
Conner, J. K. 2010. Natural selection in plants 151 years after the Origin: Introduction. International Journal of Plant Sciences 171: 927-929 (Introduction to special issue). PDF
Agrawal, A. A., J. K. Conner, and S. Rasmann. 2010. Tradeoffs and negative correlations in evolutionary ecology. In: M.A. Bell, W.F. Eanes, D.J. Futuyma, and J.S. Levinton, eds. Evolution After Darwin: the First 150 Years. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. PDF
Conner, J. K., H. F. Sahli, and K. Karoly. 2009. Tests of adaptation: functional studies of pollen removal and estimates of natural selection on anther position in wild radish. Annals of Botany 103:1547-1556. PDF
Sahli, H. F., J. K. Conner, F. H. Shaw, S. Howe*, and A. Lale*. 2008. Adaptive differentiation of quantitative traits in the globally distributed weed, wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). Genetics 180:945-955. PDF
Roles, A. J., and J. K. Conner. 2008. Fitness effects of mutation accumulation in a natural outbred population of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum): comparison of field and greenhouse environments. Evolution 62: 1066-1075. PDF
Duffy, M. A., C. E. Brassil, S. R. Hall, A. J. Tessier, C. E. Caceres, and J. K. Conner.2008. Parasite-mediated disruptive selection in a natural Daphnia population. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8:80. PDF
Conner, J. K. 2007. A tale of two methods: putting biology before statistics in the study of phenotypic evolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20:17-19; discussion 39-44. PDF
Knapczyk, F. N., and J. K. Conner. 2007. Estimates of the average strength of natural selection are not inflated by sampling error or publication bias. The American Naturalist 170:501-508. PDF
Sahli, H. and J. K. Conner. 2007. Visitation, effectiveness, and efficiency of 15 genera of visitors to wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 94:203-209. PDF
Conner, J. K. 2006. Ecological genetics of floral evolution. In: Harder, L. D. and Barrett, S.C.H., eds. The Ecology and Evolution of Flowers. Oxford University Press. PDF
Sahli, H. and J. K. Conner. 2006. Characterizing ecological generalization in plant- pollination systems. Oecologia 148:365-372. PDF
Strauss, S. Y., H. Sahli, and J. K. Conner.2005. Toward a more trait-centered approach to diffuse (co)evolution: New criteria for its detection. New Phytologist 165:81-90. PDF (invited, peer reviewed, for special edition)
Conner, J. K. and A. A. Agrawal.2005. Mechanisms of constraints: The contributions of selection and genetic variance to the maintenance of cotyledon number in wild radish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18:238-242. PDF
Agrawal, A. A., J. K. Conner, and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2004. Evolution of plant resistance and tolerance to frost damage. Ecology Letters 7:199-1208. PDF
Conner, J. K. and D. L. Hartl. 2004. A Primer of Ecological Genetics. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. Link
Conner, J. K., R. Franks*, and C. Stewart. 2003. Expression of additive genetic variances and covariances for wild radish floral traits: Comparison between field and greenhouse environments. Evolution 57:487-495. PDF
Conner, J. K., A. M. Rice*, C. Stewart, and M. T. Morgan. 2003. Patterns and mechanisms of selection on a family-diagnostic trait: evidence from experimental manipulation and lifetime fitness selection gradients. Evolution 57:480-486. PDF
Conner, J. K. 2003. Artificial selection: a powerful tool for ecologists. Ecology 84:1650-1660. PDF
Conner, J. K. 2002. Genetic mechanisms of floral trait correlations in a natural population. Nature 420:407-410. PDF
Agrawal, A. A., J. K. Conner, M. T. Johnson, and R. Wallsgrove. 2002. Ecological genetics of induced plant defense against herbivores in wild radish. Evolution 56:2206-2213. PDF
Conner, J. K. and R. Neumeier. 2002. The effects of ultraviolet-B radiation and intraspecific competition on growth, pollination success, and lifetime female fitness in Phacelia campanularia and P. purshii (Hydrophyllaceae). American Journal of Botany 89:103-110. PDF
Conner, J. K. 2002. Trade-offs in evolutionary ecology (book review). Ecology 83:2356-2357. PDF
Strauss, S. Y., J. K. Conner, and K.P. Lehtila. 2001. Effects of foliar herbivory by insects on the fitness of Raphanus raphanistrum: damage can increase male fitness. American Naturalist 158:496-504. PDF
Williams, J. L.* and J. K. Conner. 2001. Sources of phenotypic variation in floral traits in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany. 88:1577-1581. (Cover photo, Sept. 2002) PDF
Conner, J. K. 2001. How strong is natural selection? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16:215-217. PDF
Morgan, M. T., and J. K. Conner. 2001. Using genetic markers to directly estimate male selection gradients. Evolution 55:272-281. PDF
Karoly, K. and J. K. Conner. 2000. Heritable variation in an family-diagnostic trait. Evolution 54:1433-1438. PDF
Conner, J. K. and L. A. Zangori. 1998. Combined effects of water, nutrient, and UV-B stress on female fitness in Brassica (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 85:925-931. PDF
Conner, J. K. 1997. Floral evolution in wild radish: the roles of pollinators, natural selection, and genetic correlations among traits. International Journal of Plant Sciences 158:S108-S120. PDF
Conner, J. K. and L. A. Zangori. 1997. A garden study of the effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on pollination success and lifetime female fitness in Brassica. Oecologia 111:388-395. PDF
Conner, J. K. and S. Rush. 1997. Measurements of selection on floral traits in black mustard, Brassica nigra. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 10:327-335. PDF
Pfennig, K. S. and J. K. Conner. 1997. Pollen limitation in an experimental population of the wild radish Raphanus raphanistrum. Canadian Journal of Botany 75:72-73. PDF
Collins, S. A., J. K. Conner, and G. E. Robinson. 1997. Foraging behavior of honey bees on Brassica nigra and Brassica rapa grown under simulated ambient and enhanced UV-B radiation. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 90:102-106. PDF
Conner, J. K., D. Tjhio, S. H. Berlocher, and S. L. Rush. 1997. Inheritance and linkage relationships of nine allozyme loci in wild radish. Journal of Heredity 88:60-62. PDF
Conner, J. K. 1997. Pollination reviewed (book review). Ecology 78:327-328. PDF
Conner, J. K. 1996. Understanding natural selection: an approach integrating selection gradients, multiplicative fitness components, and path analysis. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 8:387-397. PDF
Kercher, S. and J. K. Conner. 1996. Patterns of genetic variability within and among populations of wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 83:1416-1421. PDF
Feldheim, K. and J. K. Conner.1996. The effects of increased UV-B radiation on morphology, pollination success, and lifetime female fitness in two Brassica species. Oecologia 106:284-297. PDF
Conner, J. K. and A. Sterling*. 1996. Selection for independence of floral and vegetative traits: evidence from correlation patterns in five species. Canadian Journal of Botany 74:642-644. PDF
Conner, J. K., S. Rush, S. Kercher, and P. Jennetten.1996. Measurements of natural selection on floral traits in wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). II. Selection through lifetime male and total fitness. Evolution 50:1137-1146. PDF
Conner, J. K., S. Rush, and P. Jennetten. 1996. Measurements of natural selection on floral traits in wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). I. Selection through lifetime female fitness. Evolution 50:1127-1136. PDF
Strauss, S. Y., J.K. Conner, and S. L. Rush. 1996. Foliar herbivory affects floral characters and plant attractiveness to pollinators: implications for male and female plant fitness. American Naturalist 147:1098-1107. PDF
Conner, J. K. and S. Rush. 1996. Effects of flower size and number on pollinator visitation to wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum. Oecologia 105:509-516. PDF
Rush, S., J. K. Conner, and P. Jennetten. 1995. The effects of natural variation in pollinator visitation on rates of pollen removal in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 82:1522-1526. PDF
Conner, J. K. and A. Sterling*. 1995. Testing hypotheses of functional relationships: a comparative survey of correlation patterns among floral traits in five insect-pollinated plants. American Journal of Botany 82:1399-1406. PDF
Conner, J. K., R. Davis*, and S. Rush. 1995. The effect of wild radish floral morphology on pollination efficiency by four taxa of pollinators. Oecologia 104:234-245. PDF
Conner, J. K. and R. Neumeier. 1995. Effects of black mustard population size on the taxonomic composition of pollinators. Oecologia 104:218-224. PDF
Conner, J. K. 1995. Extreme variability in sperm precedence in the fungus beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 7:277-280. PDF
Via, S., and J. Conner.1995. Genetic variability within and across multiple environments: response of Tribolium castaneum to five flours. Heredity 74:80-89. PDF
Conner, J. 1993. Tests for major genes affecting morphological and life history traits in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum. Genetica 90:41-45. PDF
Eisner, T., I. T. Baldwin, and J. Conner. 1993. Circumvention of prey defense by a predator: Ant lion vs ant. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:6716-6720. PDF
Conner, J. and S. Via. 1993. Patterns of phenotypic and genetic correlations among morphological and life history traits in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum. Evolution 47:704-711. PDF
Conner, J. and S. Via. 1992. Natural selection on body size in Tribolium: possible genetic constraints on adaptive evolution. Heredity 69:73-83. PDF
Eisner, T., J.K. Conner, J. E. Carrel, J. P. McCormick, A. J. Slagle, C. Gans, and J. C. O’Reilly. 1990. Systemic retention of ingested cantharidin by frogs. Chemoecology 1:57-62. PDF
Conner, J. 1989. Density-dependent sexual selection in the fungus beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus. Evolution 43:1378-1386. PDF
Conner, J. 1989. Older males have higher insemination success in a beetle. Animal Behavior 38:503-509. PDF
Conner, J. 1988. Field measurements of natural and sexual selection in the fungus beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus. Evolution 42:736-749. PDF
Conner, J.K., S. Camazine, D. Aneshansley, and T. Eisner. 1985. Mammalian breath: trigger of defensive chemical response in a tenebrionid beetle (Bolitotherus cornutus) . Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 16:115-118. PDF
Conner, J. and T. Eisner. 1983. Capture of bombardier beetles by ant lion larvae. Psyche 90:175-178. PDF
Conner, J. and D. Crews. 1980. Sperm transfer and storage in the lizard, Anolis carolinensis. J. Morph. 163:331-348. PDF